Slant Leg Canopy Vs Straight Leg


Canopies are a terrific method to offer shade and protection from the weather, but slant-leg canopies and straight-leg canopies are frequently confused. Which one is better for your needs, do you know? What variations exist between them in terms of cost, mobility, and stability? Making an informed choice requires knowledge of the facts pertaining to these two categories of canopies. Slant-leg canopies are less portable and less cost-effective than straight-leg canopies, which are more stable. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of canopy in the following paragraphs to help you decide which is ideal for your needs.


Slant leg canopies provide more stability and wind resistance than straight leg canopies.

  • Slant leg canopies have a wider base, providing greater stability in windy conditions.
  • The slanted legs of the canopy create a lower center of gravity, making it less likely to tip over in high winds.
  • The slanted legs also create more surface area for the canopy fabric, increasing its wind resistance.

Learn more about how slant leg canopies offer superior protection from the elements compared to straight leg canopies!

Are you thinking of buying a tent for your backyard or for an event?

Do you find yourself wondering which variety is better for your needs?

Would you like to compare a slant leg canopy vs straight leg canopy?

In this article, we’ll walk you through the differences and similarities between both of these options. You’ll be able to decide between a straight leg canopy vs slant leg option, and you’ll be sure to choose the right variation for whatever you may be planning to use your tent for.

By the time you finish reading, you should be well-versed in both types of tents and know exactly what you’re looking for out of yours, too. So let’s get started!

Slant Leg Tents

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Amount of Space Needed

You will need the same amount of space for slant-leg tents as you would for other versions. A 10x10 slant-leg tent takes up the same amount of room in your yard as a 10x0 straight-leg tent.

Amount of Shade Provided

These tents don’t provide a lot of shade. Because they slant upward, the amount of shade provided is not as large as the amount of space the tent takes up at the base.

Ease of Use

It’s usually pretty easy to set up a slant-leg tent. Many of these tents are available in pop-up versions that are even easier to put together, much like a beach umbrella. This isn’t true of all slant-leg tents, however, so be sure to check before you buy.

Weather Durability

Slant-leg tents are less durable in inclement weather in most situations. Since they’re smaller and more lightweight, they’re more prone to blowing away in the end a bit more easily.

Long-Lasting Durability

These canopies are more structurally sound overall than straight-leg ones. Because of the design of these tents, they can stand up better for longer periods of time without being tipped over too easily.


  • Slant-leg canopies are usually less expensive. This isn’t always the case, but it is true in most situations.
  • Canopies with slant legs are often more aesthetically pleasing and sleek. They look more streamlined overall.
  • These are lightweight tents that can be transported fairly easily. This type of tent is usually made from aluminum instead of steel.


  • These tents take up a lot of room without providing much in return. You will need a bigger tent to get the same amount of shade as you would from a smaller straight-leg tent.
  • The tents can’t be used with shade walls very easily. It’s possible, but more challenging.
  • Often, these tents are more prone to breakage. Since they’re made from cheaper materials, they tent to break more quickly.

Straight Leg Tents

[amazon bestseller=”straight leg pop up canopy” items=”3″ button=none grid=3]

Amount of Space Needed

The amount of space needed to set up a straight-leg tent is the same as a slant-leg tent.

Amount of Shade Provided

These tents provide much more shade than other varieties. A 10x10 straight-leg tent offers a 10x10 shady space, since the legs don’t slant upward and the canopy isn’t smaller than the space below.

Ease of Use

Straight-leg tents can be very challenging to put together, depending on the type of tent you choose. While pop-up options exist, they are less common than the type you need to build and set up on your own.

Weather Durability

These tents are more durable in inclement weather than slant-leg tents are. Because of their design, they can stand up more sturdily in strong winds than smaller and more lightweight slant-leg canopies can.

Long-Lasting Durability

A straight-leg tent may wear out more easily than a slant-leg tent because it cannot be put together as easily. The tent could take some slight damage every time it’s put together or taken down, and it may be left up for longer periods of time because of how challenging it is to deal with. This, in turn, may make it less durable overall.


  • These tents don’t take up any more space than the slant-leg versions. However, you get more shade out of them.
  • These tents usually come in more color options. If you’re looking for a tent in a specific color or one you can have printed with a company logo or team name, this is a good option.
  • Straight-leg tents can be used with shade wall add-ons. It’s easier to hang a shade wall (or three) on a straight-leg tent, and it’s easier to find them for this type of tent, too.


  • Straight-leg tents are more expensive in most situations than slant-leg tents are. Because they’re bigger and made of more durable materials, they tend to cost more.
  • These tents are usually much heavier than the slant-leg variety. They are often made of powder-coated steel and are bigger overall, so they are heavier and harder to transport.
  • It can be tougher to set up and take down a straight-leg tent. They may take two or more people to put together depending on their size.


Were you able to decide on the right type of tent to suit your needs? Do you know how to compare between a slant leg vs straight leg canopy? As you can see, there are pros and cons to both options, and you may need to take some time to consider which one you want.

So which option is right for your needs? Depending on how you choose to use your tent, you may want to go with one option more than the other. For example, choose slant-leg tents for:

  • Company events and job fairs
  • Short-term tailgating
  • Beaches or kids’ sporting events (where tents are allowed)

And go with straight-leg tents for these situations:

  • Farmer’s markets
  • Camping trips
  • Tailgating

Don’t forget to get creative about your options when you’re looking for different ways to use your tents, too. For example, a straight-leg tent can be a great addition to your backyard during a wedding or a family party, while a slant-leg tent may be a good choice when you’re looking for a place for the kids to play in the shade.

No matter how you choose to use your tent, there’s a great option out there for you!

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5 Tips for Choosing Between a Slant Leg Canopy and a Straight Leg Canopy

  1. Consider the size of the canopy you need. Slant leg canopies are typically smaller than straight leg canopies, so if you need a larger canopy, then a straight leg is likely your best option.
  2. Think about the type of terrain you will be using the canopy on. Slant leg canopies are better suited for uneven terrain, while straight leg canopies are better for flat surfaces.
  3. Evaluate how much weight the canopy needs to support. Slant leg canopies tend to be more lightweight and easier to transport than straight leg canopies.
  4. Look at the wind resistance of each type of canopy. Slant legs have more wind resistance than straight legs, making them better suited for windy conditions.
  5. Compare the cost of each type of canopy. Generally speaking, slant legs are less expensive than straight legs.

ALSO: Consider renting a slant or straight leg canopy if you only need it for one-time use!